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Does water ruin your skateboard bearings?

Hey, fellow skaters! It’s Matt here, your go-to guy for all things skateboarding.

Today, let’s dive into a question that’s been making the rounds in the skate community: Does water ruin your skateboard bearings?

I know it’s a crucial concern for every rider facing unpredictable weather or those tempting puddles.

Let’s separate facts from fiction and get down to the nitty-gritty.

Does water ruin your skateboard bearings

The Myth Unveiled

So, you’ve heard the whispers: water and skateboard bearings are mortal enemies.

But is it a proven fact or just another skater’s tale?

The truth is that water can indeed cause issues, but the devil is in the details.

Bearings are designed to handle some moisture, but prolonged exposure to water is a different story.

Remember that skateboard bearings typically have steel balls and a steel or ceramic inner and outer race.

While they might have a protective shield, it’s not foolproof.

Water can enter the bearing, leading to corrosion and rust.

This can compromise the smooth rotation of the wheels and affect your overall riding experience.

The Impact of Water on Bearings

Let’s break down the consequences of water exposure on your skateboard bearings.

Corrosion and Rust

As mentioned, water is the arch-nemesis of steel.

When it seeps into your bearings, it initiates a silent battle, gradually eroding the metal surfaces.

Rust formation is like a ticking time bomb, waiting to detonate and sabotage your smooth rides.

Friction and Resistance

Skating is all about that effortless glide.

Water-induced corrosion, however, increases friction between the balls and races, leading to more resistance.

The once-smooth revolutions become a struggle, affecting your speed and performance.

Reduced Lifespan

Skateboard bearings are an investment; you want them to last like any investment.

Exposure to water accelerates wear and tear, significantly shortening the lifespan of your bearings.

Regular replacements can quickly become a financial burden.

Skate Smart: Tips for Water Avoidance

Now that we’ve established the potential hazards, how can you keep your bearings safe from the water menace?

Avoiding Puddles and Wet Surfaces

Prevention is the best cure.

Look for puddles and damp surfaces, and avoid them like the plague.

A little detour might save your bearings from an untimely demise.

Cleaning and Drying Ritual

If your skateboard has had a splashy encounter, it’s time for a spa day.

Clean the bearings thoroughly, removing any dirt or debris.

Afterward, ensure they are scorched before hitting the road again.

Invest in Water-Resistant Bearings

Technology has our backs, even in the skate world.

Consider investing in water-resistant bearings that come with built-in shields or seals.

These little protectors can make a significant difference in keeping water at bay.

Dispelling the Myths: Are All Bearings Equal?

Not all bearings are created equal; the same goes for their water-resistant capabilities.

Some bearings come with advanced features that make them more resilient to water.

Understanding these differences can help you make an informed choice when purchasing your next set.

Sealed vs. Shielded Bearings

Sealed bearings offer better protection against water, as they feature rubber or metal seals that provide an extra layer of defense.

On the other hand, shielded bearings have a metal shield covering the outer race, offering some protection but not as much as sealed ones.

Ceramic Bearings: Myth or Marvel?

The rise of ceramic bearings has sparked debates in the skate community.

Some claim they are impervious to water, while others dismiss it as a marketing gimmick.

Let’s dig into the truth behind ceramic bearings and their water-resistant properties.

Ceramic bearings do have an edge over traditional steel ones when it comes to water resistance.

The ceramic material is less prone to corrosion and rust, providing a longer lifespan, especially in wet conditions.

However, it’s essential to note that they are not entirely immune to water damage.

Key PointsDetails
Corrosion and RustWater exposure can lead to corrosion and rust, compromising bearing performance.
Friction and ResistanceIncreased friction due to water-induced corrosion affects the smooth rotation of wheels.
Reduced LifespanWater accelerates wear and tear, shortening the lifespan of skateboard bearings.
Avoiding PuddlesPrevent water damage by steering clear of puddles and wet surfaces.
Cleaning and DryingRegularly clean and dry bearings after encounters with water to maintain optimal performance.
Invest in Water-Resistant BearingsConsider bearings with built-in shields or seals for enhanced water resistance.
Sealed vs. Shielded BearingsUnderstand the differences between sealed and shielded bearings for better water protection.

Keeping the Wheels Turning

In the end, the relationship between water and skateboard bearings is a nuanced one.

While water can be detrimental, it’s not the end of the road for your bearings.

You can ensure a smoother and longer-lasting ride by adopting smart riding habits, investing in quality, water-resistant bearings, and maintaining a regular cleaning routine.

So, fellow riders, remember to steer clear of those puddles, give your bearings some TLC, and confidently ride on.

The skate world is yours to conquer, one dry ride at a time!


I still remember my first skateboard. It was a "hand-me-down" from my cousin, and I loved it. I would cruise up and down the street in front of my house, trying to do tricks that I saw on TV.

These days, I'm all about helping others find their perfect skateboard. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, I'll help you find the right board for your needs.

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Hi, I’m Matt and I’m here to help you find the best skateboard online. Not only that, but I’ll also provide you with many tips and informative guides to help make your experience as smooth as possible.

I’ve been skating for years now and know all the ins and outs of this great sport. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, be sure to stick around – I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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