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How do I know if my skateboard bearings are bad?

Hey, fellow skaters, it’s Matt, your go-to guy for skateboarding!

Today, let’s dive into the world of skateboard bearings.

These little wonders play a crucial role in the performance of your board, and as someone who lives and breathes skating, I know the importance of smooth rides.

Join me as we explore the signs that your skateboard bearings might be on the fritz.

skateboard bearings are bad

The Symphony of Skateboard Bearings

Skateboarding is not just a sport; it’s a symphony of movements, and the bearings are the musical notes that make it all come together.

Bearings are small, donut-shaped components that fit inside the wheels, allowing them to spin freely.

Now, let’s unravel the mysteries behind a potential discord in this symphony.

The Silent Telltale Signs

A well-maintained skateboard silently glides across the pavement, and any disturbance in this harmony might be a sign that your bearings are trying to tell you something.

One of the first indicators is a strange, rhythmic sound accompanying your ride.

Bearings in good health should be nearly silent. If you start hearing an irritating hum or a gritty noise, it’s time to pay attention.

This audible cue is often a result of worn-out or dirty bearings.

Another subtle sign is a decrease in speed and overall performance.

If your board isn’t cruising like it used to, your bearings might lose their magic.

As a dedicated skater, you’ll notice these nuances more than anyone else.

Visual Inspection: A Skater’s Sherlock Holmes Moment

Let’s put on our detective hats and examine the bearings closely.

A visual inspection can reveal a lot about their current state.

Grit and Grime: The Silent Saboteurs

Take a moment to inspect your bearings.

Are they caked in dirt, sand, or other debris? These tiny intruders can wreak havoc on the smooth operation of your bearings.

A simple cleaning routine might be the remedy to restore them to their former glory.

Additionally, check for any rust on the bearings.

Rust is the mortal enemy of any metal components, and skateboard bearings are no exception.

If you spot rust, it’s a clear sign that your bearings need some TLC.

Uneven Wear: The Tale of Tilted Wheels

Examine the wear pattern on your wheels.

If one wheel wears down faster than the others, it could indicate uneven pressure distribution caused by faulty bearings.

Uneven wear can affect your balance and overall riding experience.

The Wiggle Test: Shaking Things Up

The wiggle test is quick and easy to determine your skateboard bearings’ health.

Bearing Play: To Wiggle or Not to Wiggle

Hold your skateboard in your hands and give it a gentle shake.

If you feel any wobbling or rocking, it’s a sign that your bearings may have excessive play.

This play can lead to instability while riding, making it a critical aspect to address promptly.

The Spin Test: A Skater’s Spin Doctor

Skaters are no strangers to spinning, and the wheels on your skateboard should be no exception.

Smooth Spins: The Benchmark of Bearings

Lift your skateboard and give the wheels a spin.

A healthy set of bearings will keep the wheels rotating freely and smoothly.

Your bearings might cry out for attention if you notice any resistance or a grinding sensation.

DIY Resuscitation: Breathing Life Back Into Your Bearings

Before bidding farewell to your bearings, consider giving them a second chance through simple maintenance.

Cleaning Rituals: A Skater’s Zen Moment

Regularly cleaning your bearings is like meditation for your skateboard.

Remove them from the wheels, clean off any dirt or debris, and soak them in a bearing cleaner solution.

Once they’ve had their spa day, lubricate them with skateboard-specific oil to ensure optimal performance.

Replacing the Fallen Soldiers: When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Despite your best efforts, there comes a time when bearings reach the end of their lifespan.

If cleaning and lubricating don’t revive them, it’s time to invest in a new set of bearings.

Consider it an upgrade to your skateboard’s heart and soul.

Auditory CuesStrange noises, hum, or grittiness
Visual InspectionGrit, grime, rust, and uneven wear
Wiggle TestExcessive play leading to instability
Spin TestResistance or grinding sensation while spinning
DIY ResuscitationCleaning rituals and knowing when to replace

In Conclusion

In skateboarding, a well-maintained board is not just a tool; it’s a companion on your journey.

Understanding the signs of worn-out bearings and taking proactive steps to maintain them ensure your rides remain smooth and enjoyable.

Now, go out there, hit the streets, and let the rhythm of your skateboard bearings create a symphony of exhilarating moves!


I still remember my first skateboard. It was a "hand-me-down" from my cousin, and I loved it. I would cruise up and down the street in front of my house, trying to do tricks that I saw on TV.

These days, I'm all about helping others find their perfect skateboard. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, I'll help you find the right board for your needs.

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About Me

Hi, I’m Matt and I’m here to help you find the best skateboard online. Not only that, but I’ll also provide you with many tips and informative guides to help make your experience as smooth as possible.

I’ve been skating for years now and know all the ins and outs of this great sport. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, be sure to stick around – I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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