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When to get new skateboard wheels?

Hey, fellow skateboard enthusiasts! It’s Matt, your avid skater and all-around skateboard aficionado.

Today, I’m stoked to share some insider knowledge that every rider needs to know – the perfect timing for swapping out those skateboard wheels.

We all know that feeling of cruising down the street or mastering a new trick, but what about the unsung heroes of our ride?

In this comprehensive guide, we’re diving deep into the world of skateboard wheels.

From the subtle signs that your wheels are sending you to the impact of weather and tricks on their lifespan, we’ll unravel the mysteries of when it’s time to bid farewell to your trusty set and welcome a fresh pair.

So, grab your board, tighten those trucks, and join me on this journey to ensure that every push, flip, and grind is executed with maximum style and performance.

Get ready to elevate your skateboarding game by mastering the art of perfect wheel timing!

So, buckle up, and let’s roll into the details!

When to get new skateboard wheels

Signs of Wear and Tear

First, let’s talk about the telltale signs that your skateboard wheels cry out for retirement.

Wheels, just like any other part of your skateboard, undergo wear and tear over time.

Scratches, flat spots, and uneven wear are indicators that your wheels have seen better days.

If you notice a decrease in speed or find it harder to perform tricks, it might be time for a change.

Skateboarding on rough surfaces can accelerate wear, so watch for unusual vibrations or wobbling.

These subtle signs are your wheels’ saying, “Hey, I need a break!” Please don’t ignore them; your riding experience depends on it.

The Importance of Size

Skateboard wheels come in various sizes, each serving a unique purpose.

Smaller wheels (50-53mm) are ideal for street skating and technical tricks, offering a lower center of gravity.

On the other hand, larger wheels (54-60mm) provide better stability and speed, making them perfect for cruising and vert skating.

As your skateboarding style evolves, so should your wheel size.

If transitioning from the streets to the skatepark, consider upgrading your wheels to match your newfound style.

It’s all about finding the perfect balance between size and performance.

Durometer Matters

Now, let’s discuss the durometer – measuring a wheel’s hardness.

Skateboard wheels typically range from 78A to 101A on the durometer scale, with lower numbers indicating softer wheels and higher numbers signifying harder ones.

So, when should you consider swapping out your wheels based on a durometer?

Soft wheels (78A-87A) are great for cruising and absorbing shocks but wear faster.

If you’re into tricks and slides, harder wheels (88A-101A) are your go-to.

Pay attention to the grip – if your wheels feel slippery, it might be time to switch to a harder durometer.

Tricks Taking a Toll

Are you a trickster at heart?

Pulling off ollies, kickflips, and slides can be harsh on your wheels.

Grinding on rails and ledges or executing powerslides puts immense pressure on your wheels, causing them to wear out faster.

If you’re heavily into technical tricks, monitor your wheels closely.

Once you start noticing a flattened or conical shape, it’s a sign that your wheels are losing their original form, impacting your ability to nail those tricks.

Don’t let worn-out wheels be the reason you miss that perfect kickflip!

Weather Woes

Believe it or not, weather plays a role in the lifespan of your skateboard wheels.

Rain, sand, and extreme temperatures can accelerate wear and affect performance.

Wet conditions, in particular, can cause your wheels to lose grip, making skating less enjoyable and riskier.

If you often find yourself battling the elements, be proactive.

Regularly clean your wheels and bearings to prevent debris buildup, and consider switching to a set of wheels specifically designed for all weather conditions.

Trust me; your skateboard will thank you!

The Sound of Change

Have you ever noticed that distinctive clicking sound while cruising?

It’s not just background noise – your wheels are communicating with you.

Clicking or clunking sounds might indicate worn-out bearings or damaged wheels.

If your once-silent ride has turned into a percussion concert, it’s time to investigate.

Bearings can be replaced, but if the sound persists, it might indicate that your wheels need retirement.

Remember, a quiet ride is a happy ride!

Wear and TearScratches, flat spots, uneven wearReplace wheels
SizeDecreased speed, difficulty in tricksAdjust size based on skating style
DurometerSlippery gripSwitch to suitable durometer
TricksFlattened or conical shapeReplace worn-out wheels
WeatherLoss of grip, accelerated wearRegular cleaning and consider all-weather wheels
SoundClicking or clunkingCheck and replace bearings; replace wheels if necessary

In conclusion

Knowing when to change your wheels is an art in the vast world of skateboarding.

Keep an eye out for signs of wear and tear, monitor your wheel size and durometer, adapt to your evolving skating style, and pay attention to the impact of weather on your setup.

Tricks may take a toll, but so does neglecting the needs of your wheels.

In conclusion, a well-maintained skateboard is the key to an exhilarating ride.

Whether you’re a street skater, a park enthusiast, or an all-weather daredevil, your wheels deserve the same love you put into mastering those flips and grinds.

So, fellow riders, stay vigilant, listen to your wheels, and keep rolling with style!


I still remember my first skateboard. It was a "hand-me-down" from my cousin, and I loved it. I would cruise up and down the street in front of my house, trying to do tricks that I saw on TV.

These days, I'm all about helping others find their perfect skateboard. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, I'll help you find the right board for your needs.

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About Me

Hi, I’m Matt and I’m here to help you find the best skateboard online. Not only that, but I’ll also provide you with many tips and informative guides to help make your experience as smooth as possible.

I’ve been skating for years now and know all the ins and outs of this great sport. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, be sure to stick around – I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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