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Where to put stickers on a skateboard?

Are you a skating enthusiast with a passionate love for stickers? Or maybe you’re just starting and unsure where to put them.

Either way, we’ve got you covered:

Read on for our comprehensive guide on where to place your stickers on a skateboard.

But, with our help, you’ll be sticker-savvy in no time!

What are the best spots and locations for skateboard stickers?

Adding stickers to your skateboard is a great way to personalize and add style.

When placing them, they can go to two central locations: on the stepping surface and on the bottom side.

The stepping surface

Stickers should be placed carefully to not interfere with grip tape or other covering already in place.

This is best done with transparent grip tapes so that the full effect of the sticker can still be visible.

The bottom side of your board

This is also an excellent choice for adding stickers due to its unobtrusiveness while skating.

However, remember you won’t see this part of your board when it’s being used, so make sure you love each decal before committing to it!

Where to put stickers on a skateboard

If you’re into customizing skateboards, where to put those new stickers is key

Everyone knows stickers are a fun part of a skateboard – they make any ride from ordinary to unique.

They express individuality and showcase a skater’s sense of style.

Picking out stickers can often be just as fun as riding, with different designs, shapes, and colors to choose from!

No matter where you search between the wheels, any skateboarder will tell you that stickers are important in decks everywhere.

But where should you put them? Well, here are some ideas – from ordinary to crazy:

On the top of the deck, right in the middle

No need to concern yourself with exact measurements or placement; as long as you keep it symmetrical and clap your hands when you’re done, that’s all that matters.

Where else would you want to express however much creativity you have inside your head except right on top of the deck?

And if you want the people around you to admire your artistry, it must be visible—right smack dab in the middle!

Underneath the trucks

Do you ever look underneath a truck and wonder what mysteries lie below?

It might be satisfying to watch the underside of trucks speed past, but new skateboarders could find it challenging to find the best places to put their stickers. Look no further! Wherever there’s a little space for a sticker – truck fender, frame exhaust pipe, or barely visible place on the grille – that’s your spot.

Sure, it might not be noticed by regular road users, but only those rare few peaks beneath trucks admire the artistry that often goes into placing stickers just so.

It’s an unusual outlet for creative expression on four wheels.

In between the wheels

But if you stick them difficultly between the wheels where no one else would look outside of a true trickster, they become a personalization that only gets noticed when your board truly shines.

No one can tell where that fancy brand logo was placed when flipped or slightly airborne.

A secret securable by finding the sweet spot between the wheels and riding it out from there!

Anywhere else you damn well, please

You could put them anywhere else you damn well please – under the nose, over the wheels, wrapped around the tail – it’s up to you!

Don’t let anyone but yourself decide on artfully adorning your board with your favorite sticker collection.

After all, it is YOUR skateboard and YOUR ride.

Can you put stickers on the skateboard grip?

If you’re looking to customize your skateboard with some shiny stickers, one thing to remember:

Solid-colored grip tape and individually placed stickers won’t mix!

The transparent grip tape is the way to go if you want to put them together on the same board.

Be sure that any decals you place go under the clear grip tape, so your skateboard will still have full coverage when you finally hit the street.

In conclusion

Well, there you have it: the four best places to put your stickers. I hope this has been helpful.

If you have any questions or want to see a post on a specific topic, please comment or contact me directly.

And be sure to check out my other posts for more great tips and tricks.

Happy skating – and stickering, of course!


I still remember my first skateboard. It was a "hand-me-down" from my cousin, and I loved it. I would cruise up and down the street in front of my house, trying to do tricks that I saw on TV.

These days, I'm all about helping others find their perfect skateboard. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, I'll help you find the right board for your needs.

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Hi, I’m Matt and I’m here to help you find the best skateboard online. Not only that, but I’ll also provide you with many tips and informative guides to help make your experience as smooth as possible.

I’ve been skating for years now and know all the ins and outs of this great sport. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, be sure to stick around – I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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